How To S.O.A.P
At Faith Church, our desire is that every believer would not just attend church, but also hear from God daily through His Word! We believe that doing SOAP daily re-patterns the way we think, transforms our heart, and helps us become more like Jesus.
At Faith Church, our desire is that every believer would not just attend church, but also hear from God daily through His Word! We believe that doing SOAP daily re-patterns the way we think, transforms our heart, and helps us become more like Jesus.
Write down in your journal the verses that stand out to you.
Write down what observations and thoughts you have about the scripture you are reading. What is God saying through this scripture?
Personalize what you have read today. How does it speak to what you're facing right now?
You can write a prayer or simply speak it out loud based on what you have just read and experienced. Ask God to help you apply this truth in your life.